Of all the tracks on my latest release
It Took Five Years but Now We're Doing Fine, the most successful track by far on the web and from listener feedback is the song
"I Need You Now". Perhaps it's because my song coincidentally shares it's name with the cross-over country pop single that airs incessantly on your local top 40 radio station. But more than likely, it is the charming voice of my lovely wife Meagan, who debuts on this duet, that has captured the hearts of my central Florida listeners.
That being the case,
"I Need You Now" was the natural choice for the music video shoot that was organized as an extra curricular project for the digital video students from Seminole State College in Heathrow, FL.
Thanks to Dan Walker and his students for offering to help me out! We really had a great time and I can't wait to see the finished product!

The shoot was filmed at our very own downtown Lake Mary. We filmed a few shots of Meagan and I acting out our little marital squabble that is depicted in the song. Then we did a few takes of us performing the song live. It's in the creative hands of the SSC students now! And rest assured that I will share my first official music video with you as soon as I can.
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